Whether you are a seasoned homeowner or you’ve just bought your first home, Higher Ground Tree Care has your homeowners guide to tree care.
Homeowners and Tree Care
So you own your own home but no one ever told you about having to take care of the trees on the property, right? Don’t trees just kind of take care of themselves? Is pruning all that important? It costs how much to remove that tree?!?
As arborists, we’ve seen it many times: new homeowners who move into their dream home only to realize the trees on the property need some serious attention. In addition, they are often shocked by the cost of tree care and maintenance.
Higher Ground Tree Care has created resources just for you as a homeowner. We want you to be able to navigate the world of tree work wisely and safely.
Maybe you’re a seasoned homeowner and you’re tired of paying someone else to care for your trees. We have some tips for you as well. There are a lot of things that homeowners can do to properly care for their trees that are inexpensive and simply require a little sweat equity.
Your Guide to Tree Care
Tree care is a science. Our goal is to communicate simply and clearly so that you can understand what’s important and how to take action. If you need more clarification or have questions, please reach out to us. We would be happy to help in any way that we can.
There are few tree companies that are as passionate about trees as we are at Higher Ground Tree Care. We hope that these resources will help you learn to love and care for your trees as well. Follow the links below and check back often as we continue to add resources to our homeowners guide to tree care!
All About Trees
Right Tree, Right Place: Choosing the Ideal Tree for Your Landscape
Money Saving Tips
How to Save Money on Tree Work